What is the right time to prune decorative trees?


Many people are not sure whether they should prune all trees. Is it correct to prune all trees? We say yes, but you need to know when and how. Here are some tips that should help you.

The most important thing is to wait for the right conditions. You should not cut if there is a risk that the temperature falls below -5 ° C. Do not prune trees or shrubs sensitive to frost, such as buddleja, until the end of March. If you have dense bushes you can prune and make them less dense. Radical cut may sometimes support flowering.

Pruning ornamental trees

Yes, you should prune. It is very important because cutting promotes compact growth, increases resistance to diseases and promotes flowering. Start pruning when the tree is four to five years old. Early pruning is not recommended as you may inflict too much damage.


Photo: Pixabay

You should always remove old shoots of woody plants that no longer bloom, especially those close to the ground. Always try to maintain the overall look of the tree. Do not shorten younger shoots. Repeat this type of cut every two to three years.

From December to February, you can do light pruning for flowering weigela, guelder-rose, common hazel, beauty bush , mock-orange, Japanese spiraea, etc.

Light pruning for ornamental trees

You should do a light cut every year to promote growth of new shoots and flowering of ornamental shrubs that bloom in summer or autumn. You should shorten all shoots five to twenty centimetres above the soil every year. To maintain the shape of the bush, cut shoots around the perimeter lower than those in the centre.

From December to February, do a radical cut for St. John’s wort and steeplebushes that bloom in the summer. Cut buddleja, hydrangea and hibiscus in March.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Source: https://wach.ru/cs/sadovodstvo/sharovidnye-cvetushchie-kustarniki-dekorativnye-kustarniki-dlya-sada-i-ogoroda-s.html

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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