Weeping fig – a nice and easy-to-grow decoration

Weeping fig

Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) is a very attractive plant, with shiny and colourful green leaves and an interesting stem. This little tree can reach a height of up to 1.8 meters, but the most interesting fact is that weeping fig acts as an air purifier so, if you want to have great air in your room, you should grow this plant. It grows in Australia and Asia and in its natural environment it could reach an impressive size. But you do not need to worry about the size if you grow indoors.

Basic conditions for cultivation

Weeping fig tolerates bright light, but does not like direct sunlight and it does not like temperature changes. The ideal temperature should be constant and should remain around 16 °C. This is why the weeping fig is suitable for bright corridors. If your fig does not like the environment, it will start dropping leaves. So, if you see fallen leaves make sure the plant has sufficient light, but again, not too much. Other problems may include a strong draft and too much or not enough water. Always wait until the upper layer of the soil is dry and use lukewarm water.

Suitable location

You need to choose the right spot for your weeping fig to avoid later complications. Bright but indirect light is probably the most important factor. Avoid drafts and strong heating. The temperature should not drop below 13 °C. If your plant is doing well, do not move it elsewhere. If it seems to be reaching for more light, you can move it closer to the light source or rotate it. A deep flower pot with drainage holes is a must. You can mix regular soil with a vermiculite to make it more permeable.

Weeping fig

Photo: Pixabay


Regular watering is very important. If you need to transplant, do so in the spring and always wear gloves because the sap can cause skin irritation. If the pot is too big, change the substrate by removing the top 5 cm of the soil every spring. Be very careful while doing so. Do not damage the root! Replace the removed substrate with a new one. You can fertilize in spring and summer, and if you can, use a fertilizer made from a seaweed.


You can prune weeping fig to achieve the desired shape and size and the best time to do that is in winter when the plant is dormant. Again, use gloves to protect your skin. First, remove damaged and dead branches and then shorten those to get the desired shape.

Propagation by cuttings

Ficus can be propagated by cuttings. You can take cuttings in the spring all the way until early summer. Choose a healthy stem that is green on top and is hard and woody. Let it get harder for a few hours and then put it in a container with water. Place it in a bright spot, out of direct sunlight and change the water every few days. After a few weeks, a rich bunch of roots should appear. This is a sign that you can transplant into a new pot.

Source: https://www.gardenersworld.com/how-to/grow-plants/how-to-grow-weeping-fig/

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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