Weed growing between tiles?


Removing weeds is an eternal battle and not only in garden. We constantly fight weeds growing in driveways and sidewalks and literally everywhere where we do not want any weeds. The vast majority of weeds are so tough and stubborn that it will grow through tiny cracks, between tiles, etc. You need to remove it constantly and that is a never-ending work. It seems that the most efficient method to remove weeds from between tiles is to use a long knife and a lot of patience. But they must be another way, right?

Cutting is not enough

Even if you cut weeds and clean cracks with a knife thoroughly, you know that it will grow back eventually. Weeds simply reappear, spread and grow merrily on. This is due to high rate of reproduction: some weeds can spread even if you only leave a little piece of root in the ground. That is all it takes. Many of us will simply give up and use chemical weed killers in the end.


Photo: Pixabay

What about natural methods?

Before you resort to the use of chemicals that may negatively affect other plants that grow in the immediate vicinity, you may want to try a more friendly method. This method is no less effective. Mix sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) with vinegar. Both ingredients are commonly used and you certainly have them in your kitchen. Mixture of these rather harmful substances is fatal for weeds! Use it during a sunny weather. Pour the mixture into cracks. Be careful and do not touch the plants that you do not want to remove.

Baking soda against moss

This method works very well on mosses, which you often find between tiles. Moss needs an acidic environment to grow, and baking soda reduces the acidity very efficiently Other powerful but natural weed killers include salt, alcohol or boiling water. Thanks to boiling water you can remove deep roots of weeds.

Suffocate weeds with a newspaper…

Some people swear that this method works very well. Yes, you can suffocate weeds with newspaper, magazines or plastic foil it will work. Place newspapers or foil over tile cracks and cover with stones to make it heavier. Leave it on for several days. This will create very unfavourable conditions and even roots should die. Yes, this method is lengthy, but it is effective and it lasts long time.

Source: https://www.ireceptar.cz/zahrada/plevel-mezi-dlazdicemi-30000705.html

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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