Use garlic to fight spider mites – another application of this super food


Autumn and winter are hard times not only for humans, especially for our health, and we all know that garlic may be used to improve our health, but also for houseplants. Less light and usually much drier air due to the use of central heating can weaken plants a lot and weak plants are more susceptible to various diseases and pests. One of the most dreaded pests is a spider mite, which is very inconspicuous at the start so, you usually notice these pests only when your plants show signs of damage.

What is a spider mite?

Spider mites are tiny pests – but visible to the eye. They are about 1 millimetre in size. Even though they are very small, they cause a lot of damage. The biggest risk is that they reproduce very quickly and the young infect the plant. Another bad thing is that they “hide” underneath leaves, so if you want to detect spider mites in time, you need to check your plans regularly.These creatures slowly suck the sap from leaves. Spider mites appear mainly during the heating season, because they like low air humidity.


Photo: Pixabay

Spider mite attack

Spider mites can cause quite extensive damage and you need to check your plants regularly. You can tell that your plans have been infested with spider mites if you see the following signs:

  • Curled leaves (some gardeners increase watering because they think the plant is drying out).
  • Spots and discoloration on leaves – there are changes in colour.
  • Stems are covered with fine nets that resemble spider webs.
  • Finally, you notice spider mites: tiny but fast-moving insects.

As soon as you notice any of these signs, you need to act immediately! First, isolate the affected plants from the healthy ones to prevent further spread.

Increase humidity

The first aid in the fight against spider mites is to increase humidity. You can do this by spraying leaves with water or by showering plants in your bathtub. Do not overwater the root system. Some gardeners spray plans thoroughly with water and wrap them in a plastic bag for a few days to increase humidity.These remedies can reduce the number of spider mites or even kill them.

Manual picking

If you do not see many of them, you can collect spider mites manually. Use a cotton swab or cloth. Collect pests and the webs too and focus on the undersides of leaves.


Garlic water spray works well. Crush a few peeled garlic cloves, put them in a glass and pour water in. Let it sit for at least 24 hours and then strain the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray affected plants twice a day.


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Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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