Use flax seeds to speed up your metabolism

Flax seeds

Do you want to speed up your metabolism and lose weight faster? Well, if you do, include flax seeds in your diet. Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, protein and antioxidants that help break down fats. But if you want flax seeds to be effective, you need to consume them correctly. In the right form that is. Read on to learn how to use flax seeds correctly.

One full tablespoon of flax seeds contains only 55g of calories but you will also get 18 grams of protein and a high amount of fiber, which is found directly in the skin.

Low in calories

Fiber will keep you feeling full for longer and you will not have the urge to munch and because you are feeling full for longer, your body has no other option but to use stored glycogen and fats. This fact is the main reason why you need to include flax seed in your diet if you want to reduce weight. Here is how to use flax seeds and to reap all the benefits.

Flax seeds

Photo: Pixabay

Weight reduction

First, you need to blend or grind flax seeds. You cannot eat whole seeds as the body cannot break them down. Seeds would simple leave your system… You need to “break” the seeds first. This will also separate the skin, which is rich in fiber and oils, from the inner part, which is rich in protein. Blended seeds are easier digestible and you body can utilize the good stuff. Always blend or grind seed before eating. If you break seeds and store them there is a chance that they will go rancid and may cause stomach problems.

Include seeds in your diet

You can add ground flax seed to potatoes or add them to soups (do not boil with seeds), oatmeal, muesli, yogurt or anywhere you see fit. You may try linseed oil too, which is also good for weight loss. It reduces constipation, inflammation and offers many other benefits.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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