Use extra juice from cabbage pickling


Pickling cabbage time is around the corner and we all appreciate sauerkraut in the winter as it is a very healthy and tasty treat. You also need to have the “right” recipe for pickling cabbage, and here is one. You also need to have some experience, otherwise the whole process may be difficult and you may even be forced to throw all cabbage into your composter. Let us take a look at each step in more detail.

The price of cabbage changes but always try to buy from a local producer

Currently, the price of shredded cabbage has risen slightly, but we recommend going for domestic cabbage. Many sell Polish or other foreign products but the taste and quality may not be the best. It is worth to pay a little extra. You should also get high-quality potatoes and onions as you will use some in the process.


Photo: Radek Štěpán

Make sure you have enough juice!

Yes! Some people press cabbage insufficiently and produce only little juice and then add water. Not good. Press cabbage thoroughly and make sure the cabbage is fully submerged. Juice is very important. After you put weight on the cabbage to keep it down, the juice must completely cover and protect the pressed cabbage. This will eliminate mould.Juice will gradually evaporate and you need to top it up.Store any extra juice in the refrigerator.

Do not stack cabbage up to the rim

A mistake that many people make. Cabbage rises during fermentation and if the barrel or container is too full, it may spill out. Just leave a bit of free space so it has a room to expand.


Photo: Radek Štěpán

Check cabbage regularly

Do not think that you press cabbage and that is it. Many people make that mistake. On the contrary. You need to check regularly, remove any impurities and foam that will be produced. This is the only way to prevent mould that can “kill” the process.

Youtube: Radek Štěpán

Source: Vlastní zkušenosti redaktora

Preview photo: Radek Štěpán

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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