Trimming make paeonies healthy and bloom more


If you are one of those people who leave paeonies to their fate, so to speak, and just cover them with compost in autumn, you should pay attention. Just a little extra work will help your peonies to bloom much more in the next year.

Most often you will see Paeonia officinalis and Paeonia lactiflora as these are most popular in our corner of the world. However, there are other species that you may see such as Paeonia suffruticosa or the wild-looking thin-leaved Paeonia tenuifolia, which is also known as the fern leaf paeony.

When should you trim?

Contrary to popular believe, the beginning of autumn is not the best time as it will weaken your flowers and they will produce less flowers in the next year. Trimming irreversibly disturbs photosynthesis and roots will not get the necessary nutrients. And of course, a weakened plant produces less flowers.

So, you should prune or trim in late autumn when the first frosts hits – yes that is the most suitable time. This is usually the end of October or the beginning of November. This time peony is “ready” to deal with some cutting because the development process has been completed.


Photo: Pixabay

The entire part above the ground should go

When pruning in autumn you need to cut all leaves and stems. You may even go little bit under ground to remove any unnecessary parts with one exception. Do not remove stems that grow above buds. Leave them alone to avoid damage.The length of these stems should not exceed 4-5 cm.

Never cover peonies with their own cut leaves. Using peonies leaves may attract pests. Use peat and humus instead as it protects peonies from frost, but also provides the necessary nourishment. Experienced growers even add wood ash.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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