Tips to grow great peppers


Have you decided to grow peppers this year? Great! Peppers are excellent and healthy vegetables but not everyone is able to get the harvest they want. With our tips below, you will be one step closer to an excellent harvest.

Choose a suitable location

Correct placement can make a big difference. We all know that peppers love sun and light soil that will not retain unnecessary water. You should also choose a place where you did not grow peppers last year. The soil should be loamy and rich in nutrients. A great idea is to work in about 2.5 centimetres deep layer of compost.

Watch out for nitrogen

Excessive amounts of nitrogen may cause your peppers to grow quickly – but they will be weak, more susceptible to diseases and the yield will go down.

PeppersPhoto: Pixabay

Toughen your seedlings

Before you plant make sure your seedlings are accustomed to the outside environment, so gradually expose them to the outside weather. This gradual process helps seedlings to adapt and avoid unnecessary shock after transplanting. Less stress means bigger and more productive plants. When the outside temperature is about 15°C, place your seedlings outside in a sheltered spot and leave them there for a few hours each day for about three or four days a week. Extend the time during the next week.

Heat is important

As already said, peppers love heat, so plant them in a warm soil. If you do, you will have better plants and better harvest.Another good idea is to cover the soil with a black garden fabric to keep the warmth in. You may do it about the time when you start adapting your seedlings to the outside temperature. Do not plant until you are sure that no frosts will hit. Make sure to water seedlings well after planting.

Watering and mulching

Plants need to be watered well during the growing season. If the weather is very hot, check the plants regularly and water them as needed (do not pour water on leaves, but aim for the roots). It is also recommended to apply a thick layer of mulch around plants, which will help you retain moisture. It also keeps the soil warmer, but only apply the mulch when the soil has been warmed enough.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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