These plants will drive ticks out of your garden

Do you have these unpleasant creatures in your garden and would like to get rid of them? Well, today we shall tell you about a simple way that you can try. You need to grow plants that smell bad to ticks and other pests. What about very aromatic plants such as lavender, oregano or geraniums? Will these do?

We have the answers and few tips that will help you drive ticks away once and for all.

Plants that ticks hate

There are many of them. For example, if you love lavender then you are in luck, because it is one of them. It grows well together with roses, for example. The same applies to thyme and it does not matter if you have the real one or the “fake” one.

You can also use rosemary (Rosmarinus) or the almost forgotten wormwood (Artemisia), any kind of pleasantly smelling mint (Mentha) or even beautiful chrysanths (Chrysanthemum).


Photo: Pixabay

Other plants that ticks hate

Are there any plants you can grow along paths and other spaces where you often spend time? Yes. Try oregano or sage (Origanum) and geraniums (Pelargonium) if you want to use flower pots or boxes. It does not matter what species you get.

You may also try the common ivy-leaved pelargonium Pelargonium peltatum, the simple but a nice-looking Pelargonium zonale or the beautiful but rather demanding Pelargonium grandiflorum that produces nice large flowers.

Another tip is to keep your lawn cut low and use strips of gravel and bark to define and separate other spaces. All this changes make it difficult for ticks to enjoy your garden and they will try to look for a “more” friendly space.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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