The most common mistakes when feeding your dog


It would be almost impossible to find a dog owner who does not like his dog. All dog owners want the best for their pets and to be happy. However, “too much” love may spoil your dog and even may cause health problems. That is if you do not know how to feed your dog properly. We shall take a look at the most common mistakes in detail. You may learn that you too are unknowingly harming your dog.

I feed my dog when I have time

Definitely not a good idea. Dogs like regularity in feeding. They should get the same amount of food at the same time every day. When your dog learns this rule, he expects you to feed him at that particular time. Regularity is important for a proper digestion. If your dog does not eat, take the bowl away after a certain time and feed him again at the set time. An adult dog should eat twice a day but make sure your dog does not eat late in the evening.

What about treats?

Dogs know how to beg very well. Sad eyes and even cute sounds will break many sensitive souls. Never feed your dog from the table. If you do that you actually train and encourage your dog to continue begging. Dogs begging in restaurants may be very unpleasant. Another thing is that human food is not good for dogs. It may contain a lot of salt and spices and dogs should not eat those as these may cause kidney and digestion problems.

You should always eat first and then feed your dog. You need to maintain your superiority in the pack even in this way.

Do not overfeed your dog

Does your dog still “looks” hungry? Do you want to give him something extra? Every dog breed is characterized by a certain weight and should not weigh more or less. The feed packaging should specify exactly how much a particular dog should eat. Kateřina Gottfriedová, a product specialist for premium dog brand Prominent confirms this and says: “Each dog breed has its own weight, and you should always measure the amount defined in tables or recommendations on the food packaging. However, when measuring feed, you need to take each dog individually. Do not forget treats. Never give your dog more treats than the allowed daily dose. Overfeeding causes obesity, which often leads to health complications.”


Photo: Pixabay

Do not give bones to your dog

Bones were given dogs on daily basis in the past and they are a tempting treat for dogs, but especially cooked bones can be dangerous for your pet as they can get stuck in dog’s mouth or stomach. Chicken bones are the worst. If you want to give a bone to your dog, use raw beef bones.

Exercise before and after feeding

Humans like to rest before and after eating and dogs like to do the same. It takes time for food and nutrients to get properly digested. Let your dog rest after feeding and go for a walk later.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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