The most common gardening mistakes


As the saying goes, nobody is perfect and that goes for gardeners too. You may be unknowingly making the same mistake over and over again and in doings so, you may be depleting your garden too much and thus losing a part of your harvest. But as another saying goes, it is never too late to learn from mistakes. Below we summarize the most common mistakes that gardeners make out of ignorance or in good faith…


More is not better. You should not take vitamins in larger than recommended quantities, and you should not over fertilize plants by using larger doses than specified on the packaging. You should also pay attention to the shelf life of the particular fertilizer. If you use a fertilizer that has already expired it could be ineffective or worse, you it could damage your plants.
Correct timing is very important too. For example, fertilizers with a high nitrogen content cannot be used in autumn. These fertilizers support growth but in autumn, plants should be in a “sleeping mode” and should be preparing for the winter. Another good idea is to use a long-acting fertilizers in the spring and at the beginning of the season.


Photo: Pixabay

Unsuitable or incorrect fertilizers

There are gardeners who do not hesitate to use a special type of fertilizer for other types of plants. If you use the wrong fertilizer, you may cause harm or in a better scenario, you may encourage growth of leaves at the expense of fruits or flowers. Yes, you try to save money, but do not use a leftover fertilizer for plants that should not be fertilizer with this particular one.

Wrong plant protection products

All garden chemicals (not just fertilizers) must be used in accordance with instructions or recommendations on the packaging. If you use plant protection products for other plants than for those indicated, you may harm your plants. Another important thing is your own protection – if the packaging says “wear protective gloves”, always put them on!

No pruning or trimming

Pruning or trimming is important and you should never skip it. A properly executed cut will lighten your plants and improve air and light permeability, which translates to higher yields. Do your homework before trimming and cutting. Bad cut may weaken or even kill your plants too, so again do you homework.

Incorrect watering

Water is essential for all plants and all living creatures, but there are certain watering mistakes many of us make. Excess watering causes root rotting and lack of aeration may lead to various fungal diseases. Lack or incorrect watering causes unnecessary stress to the plant. Yes, we all know that dry plant cannot obtain and process nutrients, which makes the plant weak… Watering done during the day may harm certain plants, but also droplets on leaves. Other plants may be sensitive to chlorinated tap water. Always use rainwater or water that has been sitting for few days.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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