The herb in your garden that helped an antique hero to survive


People grow certain herbs mainly because they offer various medicinal effects. That makes sense but over time breeders have created many ornamental forms of medicinal plants so now you can use them to boost your health and the look of your garden.

We are talking about yarrow (Achillea).It usually produces white flowers, but this plant also comes in many shades of pink and can make your garden look very pretty.
And what do you need to do make these plants happy?

Not all yarrows are the same

First, you should know that there are several types of this useful herb. This herb got its Latin name after the Greek hero Achilles. The legend has it that Achilles was fatally wounded in the battle of Troy, and his friends immediately placed a yarrow poultice on his wound and that saved his life. Otherwise he would have bled to death.


Photo: Pixabay

But let us focus on how to grow this unusual herb.Most often you will see the common yarrow (Achillea millefolium) in gardens. Both plants prefer dry conditions as they are regarded as drought-loving perennials and they will do well if planted in a regular flower bed. However, the yarrow, which our grandmothers used to grow, prefers little bit of humidity. So, feel free to plant it by a pond or near a little brook…

Caring for yarrows

Yarrow does not need much. If you plant it in a soft and nutritious soil, where there is no danger of too much moisture, yarrow will grow easily and without any intervention. You may use a little bit of fertiliser though. If you want to transplant or propagate by division, you may use some good quality organic matter as a fertilizer. A matured manure for example. A good choice also includes chicken droppings or wood ash.

Additional care is very easy. Remove wilted flowers, but not immediately after flowering. Do that in the springas flowers will serve as a shelter for useful insects and will partially protect bunches of flowers from frost. When the spring comes, remove flowers as soon as new leaves appear.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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