The greater celandine – a very special plant

Some of you may be thinking right now how to get rid of weeds more effectively in the next year. Well, in addition to the typical approach try something different.
Take for example the greater celandine, (Chelidonium majus). It has many properties that you may use in your home pharmacy but there is more.
Help for your eyes
To treat eye diseases, you need to boil greater celandine juice with honey in 1: 1 ratio. Use low heat. Do it until you see no foamy tops and the mix no longer resembles honey.
Great for your skin
In Russia for example, children take a batch in greater celandine decoction to have healthy and beautiful skin. The greater celandine is also used to support treatment for scabies, warts and freckles.
Photo: Pixabay
Some sources even say that the greater celandine has an anti-tumour effect and supports treatment of negative consequences that follow after a heart attack or stroke. (1 tablespoon of dried herb in a glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes). Use 2 spoons 3 times a day before meals.
Anticancer properties?
And what about a folk recipe used to fight cancer? Well, an infusion made of the greater celandine, nettle and calendula is said to prevent the growth of metastases. Take equal parts of each herb (based on weight), grind and mix together with water. Drink a half cup in the morning on an empty stomach and the other half before dinner.
Use fresh in summer
Fresh juice from the greater celandine literally “burns” warts, candidosis, polyps or corns. It is also used internally to support treatment of liver and gall bladder. You can also use few drops on a stubborn tooth to reduce toothache.
If you want to support a stomach problem treatment drink celandine juice: 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals on the first day, and take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals and on the following days.
Preview photo: Pixabay
Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.