Store nuts properly to avoid moulds


Improper storage of nuts can cause various problems such as premature aging of stored nuts, but most importantly, the development of undesirable mould and fungi. These moulds or fungi are not the same as noble moulds on cheese and you cannot grow these at home. So, if you find any mouldy food at home get rid of it. Sure, some may be harmless, but you cannot tell which ones and you cannot know to what extent spores have penetrated the food – i.e. which part may still be okay and which you must throw away. In any case, you should get rid of any mouldy food.

What are fungi?

Fungi are parasitic organisms and that means that they cannot exist by themselves. Mould or fungi must be attached to a source of nutrition. Fungi pores are very tiny, which allows them to move and penetrate almost anything and they spread very easily. By wind, for example. The ideal temperature for fungi is from 20 and 30 °C, but there are many fungi that grow at lower temperatures (mould in your refrigerator for example) – even though they growth much slower.


Photo: Pixabay

What about if you consume mould?

Mould itself is not dangerous for humans however, what causes nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, pain or abdominal cramps are mycotoxins produced by fungi. Even a small amount of mould can give you digestive problems. But long-term consumption of mould can even lead to death. Mycotoxins are carcinogenic (especially for the liver) and mutagenic and can harm the foetus in pregnant women. This is why, pregnant women should not consume mouldy cheese. Moulds are also immunosuppressive (they weaken the immune system).


Photo: Pixabay

Mouldy nuts

Nuts are attacked by fungi very often. This is usually due to poor storage. You should always store dry nuts in a dark and cool room . There are other suitable methods you can use to store nuts to prevent moulds. If you find any sign of mould even on one nut (it can be very inconspicuous – a little black dot, for example), remove it because other nuts could be attacked easily. Mould may also hide inside nuts or may not be visible. So you need to be careful.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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