Stinging nettle as a great fertilizer

A very common, weed-like plant called the stinging nettle is probably one of the healthiest plants that you can get. That is if you pick it in nature. It is very beneficial not only for human health, but also for plants because it can prevent various pests and diseases. You will appreciate this especially, if you do not like chemicals and artificial fertilizers. Here is a recipe to make fertilizer from nettles. It is not difficult at all.

Harvest nettles properly

In nature, nettle grows by itself, just like weed, and it can grow huge. We all know that you need to pay attention when you handle nettles as it can cause pain and unpleasant itching followed by typical skin bumps. Use gloves and protective clothes with long sleeves if you want to collect stinging nettles. If you get burn, do not worry. Burns will not harm you. Some even say that stinging needle burns are healthy…


Photo: Pixabay

Products made from stinging nettle

Products made from nettles are not harmful to the environment and that is another reason why you should use them. What plants will benefit from stinging nettle? Nettles can help you to fight aphids, for example, but nettles can fight other pests too, such as Parthenolecanium cornier, whiteflies or even various fungal diseases such as powdery mildew or grey mould. In short, stinging nettles can make life of many plants easier.

How effective are products made from stinging nettles?

Many gardeners do not trust stinging nettle preparations and many do not even recommend them. The problem is that if you have a suffering plant (for example from fungal disease), many gardeners feel that nettle products may not be strong enough. True, if you have to deal with an advanced disease, you cannot use stinging nettle, but if you detect the disease or parasites early, nettle may be more than enough.


Collect about 1 kg of fresh nettles. Chop them into small pieces and put them into a plastic barrel. Pour in 10 litres of water. Cover the container with gauze or another permeable material (a mesh) to prevent insects from falling in. Make sure the material lets sufficient amount of air in. You need air to start the fermentation process. Let it sit for two weeks but far away from your house, because the fermentation is accompanied by an unpleasant smell… As soon as the mixture has no foam on the top and it is brown (which is after about 14 days), you can start using it.

Nettle fertilizer

If you want to use the mixture to water your plant you need to dilute it with water in 1:10 ratio. If you want to use it in a spray bottle, dilute it in 1:20 ratio. You can also use nettle extract, which is prepared in the same way as the above-mentioned fertilizer. Follow the same recipe to prepare an extract, pour water in and let it ferment for 24 hours, and then dilute in 1:5 ratio and that is it.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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