Spur-flower – an undemanding plant for everyone


Spur-flower is a well-known plant that many of us use to alleviate symptoms of the common cold or flu. The name in Latin is Plectranthus, but there are several folk names. Itbelongs to theLamiaceaefamily which includes about three hundred and fifty species many of which are aromatic herbs suitable for indoor growing. Spur-flowerisclassified as an ornamental and useful plant. Those who know spur-flower well use it as a mintreplacement.


The fact that you may propagate this plant easily adds to the overall popularity. You can do itwith cuttings taken from a mature and healthy plant. Soak the cutting in water and after a few days you will notice small roots. As soon as you do, you need totransfer it into a regular soil. Any soil for indoor plants is suitable. You may also multiply the plant by dividing a grown bush into two or more parts.


Photo: Pixabay

Growing requirements

Warm environment and correct amount of water are essential. Frequent watering is necessary for proper development of aromatic leaves – especially during summer and spring. Do not let the soil dry out completely between individual watering. You may also spray water mist on leaves. You can move the plant outside during summer – on your balcony for example but avoid direct sunlight as it may harm your plant. The ideal temperature for growing is around 20 °C.


When you need to fertilize, use a universal fertilizer designed for indoor plants and fertilize during summer once a week for up to 14 days and once a month during winter. You can use leaves of the plant all year round because it also grows in winter.

Insect repellent

The aroma, mainly thanks to high content of essential oils, repels many kinds of annoying insects including moths and mosquitoes. Many people use leaves to relieve itchy insect bites but the refreshing smell is what makes the plant so popular. It is used in summer drinks or to freshen up the air in your room for example. It also relieves anxiety and improves your mood. It is seen as a natural stress reliever, so it should definitely be a part of your household.

Source: https://vsaduidoma.com/pl/category/cvety-na-dache/rozy-na-dache/

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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