Spring herbs spreads – which one is the best?


Are you constantly looking for new ways and new tips how to consume and preserve edible greenery around you? Bet on spreads. They are ready in few minutes, they are loaded with healthy ingredients and the entire family will enjoy them.

We shall introduce two proven and quick recipesto help you make delicious spreads, and we shall also give you a list of herbs and edible weeds that you can use. Just look around your garden. There are plenty ingredients for a quick snack or dinner at your fingertips. Literary.

Cream cheese spread

It doesn’t matter what cream cheese spread you buy in the store, but always pick the unflavoured or slightly salted. Empty the container into a bowl and add one spring onion (finely chopped), two tablespoons of chopped herbs of your choice, one teaspoon of mustard, one small white yogurt and salt and pepper. Stir well and enjoy.

Gervais cottage cheese spread

This type of bread spread is not as sour as pure cottage cheese and may be used as a fine base for other herb spreads. Add one gervais to one container of regular cottage cheese, five tablespoons of white yogurt, handful of herbs of your choice and salt and pepper based on your taste preferences.

Best spring herbs for spreads

And what herbs and green treasures you should collect? Definitely go for wild garlic and garlic mustard (alliaria petiolata) . You can also get oregano (origanum vulgare) , chives , borage, and garden cress. As for wild herbs, you should definitely include common daisy (use flowers and young leaves), common cornsalad , chickweed, few-flowered garlic or ground-ivy.

Always collect the youngest leaves but, until the end of May, you can basically collect any leaves. However, later you have to carefully select the tender and tasty parts of the plants. Garlic herbs taste best before blooming. On the other hand, chickweed or ground ivy may be collected at any stage of development.

Photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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