Soaking or regular watering for orchids?


Orchids are undemanding plants. Even if you fail to provide proper care, they will forgive you. However, some people buy orchids without knowing what conditions orchids require and water them directly from a watering can… Despite this little mistreatment, orchids don’t mind and usually grow well. However, experienced orchid lovers know that this watering method is not recommended for orchids, because water flows through soil very quickly and it usually gets trapped at the bottom of the flower pot, where it remains. This may cause root rotting and you should avoid this type watering.

Correct watering

Soaking is the correct way. This way, the substrate absorbs only the necessary amount of moisture and will not encourage rotting. However, the soaking process largely depends on the orchid variety you have and its vegetative stage (dormant or flowering period), the humidity in the room, etc. And as with many plants, too frequent watering may cause more damage than insufficient watering.


Photo: Pixabay

So, how do you know when your orchid needs water?

Your orchid can give you a sign that it needs water. Not all roots of orchids are hidden in the pot or soil, so you can see the condition of the roots. If everything is okay roots are light green but if they start turning gray or even white, it is time for watering. Water orchid once every 7 to 10 days, but again, it depends on many factors. Anyway, the best indicator is the condition of the roots.

Soaking an orchid

How should you soak an orchid properly, without causing damage but giving it enough time to absorb the necessary moisture? First, the container where you grow your orchid must have drainage holes. Get a large enough container and fill it with water to cover all roots. Do not wet the leaves! You can prepare water one day before to make sure that it is at a room temperature and to prevent a temperature shock. Put the plant in the water and let it sit there for 30 minutes. When done, remove it, but leave it in the sink for another 30 minutes to let the excess water drip off. Put it back in the pot and place it on your windowsill or wherever your orchid lives.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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