Rosehip season is here. Do you know how to collect rosehips correctly?


Rosehip bushes are pretty much all around us and provide healthy fruits that can be used in several different ways. You can find them along forests, meadows, slopes, and in cities and parks. It is a pleasant sight to see all these beautiful flowers and later the red decorative fruits. Some people grow rosehips in their gardens but do not collect the fruit and let the fruit on the bush throughout the winter. When everything is covered with snow the beauty of rosehips stands up even more…

Vitamin C

Rosehips are collected and dried. This is the most common way. We all know that tea made from rosehips is an excellent and healthy treat. Rosehips are loaded with vitamin C – 100g of rosehips contain from 200 to 500 mg of vitamin C, which is 4 to 10 times more than lemons or apples. If you want to collect rosehips, always try to select bushes that grow in nature and not near busy roads as the fruit may be contaminated.


Photo: Pixabay

Collecting rosehips

Unfortunately, you need to collect one by one – by hand. This work is rather tedious and laborious and rosehip bushes have plenty of thorns. Wear protective gloves. A good idea is to use pruning shears, which will make picking much easier. Take a suitable paper bag or any other bag made from a permeable material.

When should you collect?

Go rosehip picking when the fruit has the typical red colour, which tells you that rosehips are fully ripe. Only fully ripe fruit offers the highest content of vitamin C. Once it turns dark red, the content of vitamin C decreases. If you want to preserve rosehips (canning), you may use fruits that have already been frozen, but keep in mind that frozen fruit cannot be dried.


You can dry rosehips on a heater, but it will take a long time. You can also use an oven or a fruit dryer. Drying temperature should not exceed 60 °C.A delicious and healthy tea is made from dried rosehips. It will strengthen your immunity and help you to get through various colds.


You may put rosehips in plastic bags and freeze them. Another option is to use fresh rosehips to make a great jam , which is also used to make a popular rosehip sauce. You can also mix rosehips with other fruits, such as raspberries or blackberries.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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