Rose propagation: Now is the time


Say you have received a bouquet of roses, as a gift for example, and you really liked it. Wouldn’t it be nice if you can propagate them and grow the very same roses you liked so much? Well, you can do that. Naturally, it is best if the roses you got were fresh but the funny thing is to propagate them you need towait until the roses begin to wilt while the leaves are still ok…. This is the right moment for propagation and of course, you can try this process for roses that you grow in your own garden too – cut off a strong, mature and slightly woody shoot and now you have a fresh cut rose – the same as in your bouquet.

No mercy – cut the flower

This may be tough but you need to cut the flower. Use sharp scissors. No pulling or tearing as unclean cut reduces the likelihood of success. Also remove all leaves and side shoots. Now you need to shorten the stem so that it contains a total of six nodes. Now, plant the stem in soil and make sure that three nodes are below the ground and three above the ground. The soil should be moist enough but not “flooded” and it should be in a partial shade (for example, under a bush).


Photo: Pixabay

Cover the stem with a glass

Use a big glass or jar – feel free to use a five litre glass for example. This way you will create the moist and warm environment the rose needs. Regularly water around the edge of the glass (so that the water gets under the glass) and wait. Do not lift the glass. You will wait several weeks – during this time the cutting should take roots. And how do you know that the stem is alive? The node will look alive and fresh.

You may need several tries…

Unfortunately, this procedure might not always work. You have to experiment – sometimes the rose variety is to blame and sometimes the wrong timing to make the cutting. If you want to multiply a rose from a flower shop try using common types of roses that are grown in our climate (for example Harlequin). Some gardeners are able to grow cuttings in a flowerpot in the balcony… Do not give up after the first failed attempt.

Caring for propagated roses

If you managed to propagate roses successfully, you need to check them regularly. Cut off the flowers after flowering to encourage the rose to produce more buds.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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