Rose mallow produces large flowers that everyone enjoys

Rose mallow

Do you want to have something unusual in your garden, but at the same time you do not have the time to provide special care? Well, there is a great plant called Rose mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) that you will love. It produces really big and colourful flowers and it only needs sun and water.

Many of us usually grow Rose mallow indoors however; there are also varieties that will grow outdoors. For example, take the Rose mallow. It comes from America but it has adapted very well to our climatic conditions.

What does Rose mallow needs?

It is a wetland plant, but it has been bred into so many different cultivars that it no longer needs wet soil. It likes abundant watering yes, but plenty of sun too, and if you provide it will surprise you with rich flowers that you can enjoy from spring to autumn.

Even though it is a well adapted plant, it hates our winters. Whatever remains above the ground will freeze and only the roots will survive. This is perfectly fine, but the roots act as a water reservoir so, you need to water it well. That should not be hard, right? Keep a water can close by and any time the weather is dry water it. You should also water during the winter, but only if the temperature is above freezing!

Rose mallow

Photo: Pixabay

It will need a little help to produce great flowers

You should use complex fertilizer to provide all the nutrients as early as in June. Fertilize one or two times a month. That should be enough, but you should definitely stop fertilizing in September because you need to “force” the plant to direct nutrients down to the roots. You do not need to support growth around this time.

When the spring comes, cut dry twigs to a length of about 5 centimetres and wait until the plant sprouts again. Rose mallow tends to wake up quite late, so do not be surprised. You will not see leaves until late May or early June. But do not worry. It starts slow, but it grows rather quickly.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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