Quick tomato sowing method


You still have time to sow tomatoes and you have until mid-March, but you should not sow later because your harvest may be reduced. What should you watch for? We shall tell you in the following lines. Here is a very easy and superfast way to sow tomato.

It will take 2-3 minutes. Later you will select the best seedlings based on the appearance of leaves and even the roots.


It is very simple. Place a folded paper towel, toilet paper, or regular kitchen towel into a transparent container. Moisten the paper so that the water seeps through when squeezed.

Scatter the seeds randomly on the damp paper, cover with a lid and place in a dark place. Sowing density does not matter , because you will be selecting seedlings soon. After 1-2 days, transfer seeds from the dark and place under a lamp. This is necessary because you are speeding up the process and you need to provide extra light.


Photo: Pixabay


Once the seedlings are ready you need to transfer them in suitable pots. The right time to do so is when they have developed at least one true leaf. Using this method you do not have to deal with laborious thinning and removal of seedlings, because the soft paper will let you pull them out easily.

There are several ways to plant seedlings in soil. For example, you may plant seedlings all the way down to the edge of cotyledons. If you do that, additional roots will form at this point and that is beneficial for the seedlings. This is especially true when seedlings have very long stems, which is usually due to a lack of light. The best watering method is to use an atomizer. You also want to use a fertilizer and you should work it directly into the soil or you may put it in a watering can. However, before watering with water and fertilizer mixture, you should wait at least 14 days after planting.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Source: https://www.pestik.cz/module/csblog/post/590-5-okrasna-a-kvetinova-zahrada-v-breznu.html, https://www.nazeleno.cz/brezen-na-zahrade-je-hekticky-poradime-vam-na-co-nezapomenout/

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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