Prepare a mosquito repelling paste


Are you tired of dealing with annoying mosquitoes while relaxing in your garden? Well, we have an elegant solution for you. Make a yeast paste and mosquitoes will leave you alone. We shall tell how to prepare it and how it actually works.

Making the paste is very easy. When yeast paste is activated, it starts generating heat and that attracts mosquitoes and additional sweet components in the trap will take care of other troublesome insects.

Preparing a mosquito bait

First, get an ordinary plastic (PET) bottle. A small one with dark walls is best. Mosquitoes seem to have harder time finding transparent bottles. Cut the bottle at the lower part to create a small container. This will be your trap. Make few holes in the wall – you will use them to hang the container. If you want to get fancy you may create a braided cover around the bottle and use it to hang it.

Now you need one a cup of warm water. Add 50 grams of sugar in and stir well. If you do not feel like weighing 50 grams – five tablespoons will do. Pour the yeast in and pour everything in the trap. Hang the trap at a suitable place. If you want to increase the effectiveness of the trap, add a little honey or other sweet “stuff”, marmalade for example.


Photo: Pixabay

Where should you place your mosquito trap

Mosquitoes and basically other insects too, like to stay in dark and damp corners, so you should place the trap in that particular corner or spot. Check the container the next day and you will be surprised how many difficult insects you caught. To keep hunting efficiently, change the trap regularly.

You can also use herbs and plants that mosquitoes hate

You can also try plants that repel insects, such as lavender (Lavandula), Thyme or Rosemary (Rosmarinus). Another plants that will repel mosquitoes include sagebrush (Artemisia) and mint (Mentha).

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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