Planting onion seedlings step by step


You probably like the vast variety of onion seedlings available in stores. Many gardenshops, as well as ordinary shops, offer a huge assortment. If you are thinking about planting onions, we shall give you few tips. Plant onions in your flowerbed and get beautiful and home-grown onions. Let us show you how to do it.

Which soil is best?

Let us start with the environment where you want to plant your onions. Onions like permeable soil but it must retain a sufficient amount of moisture; it cannot be dry. A good idea is to grow onions on an elevated flowerbed, for example 1 cm above the surrounding terrain. You can also add sand to lighten the soil but make sure that it also contains enough humus. Create about 5 cm high layer of compost in the ground and make sure it is not too acidic. Best is a neutral or slightly alkaline soil. To achieve this you may sprinkle your flowerbed with dolomitic limestone or you may use wood ash, which will raise the pH a little. and add much-needed minerals.

onionPhoto: Pixabay


So how you should plant onions? First, create rows on the surface of your flowerbed as deep as the onion bulbs and place them in the flowerbed with the tip up and then cover them with soil. The tip of the onion should be just below the soil surface or just slightly above it. It is a good idea to cover the flowerbed with non-woven textile. This will create a good microclimate, which onions love, and protect onions against pests.

Finally, we shall focus on watering and fertilizing. When watering onions pour the water between the rows. Too much moisture can hurt onions, especially fresh leaves. If you want to get rid of weeds do so, but be very careful as you may damage the roots of the seedlings. Mulch is also a good idea but again, make sure to put it between the rows only. There may be weeds that keep moisture in the soil. As the onion grows, gradually remove the mulch. Use liquid organic fertilizer to help seedlings, especially in the first three weeks after planting . Then you may fertilize every three weeks.

Photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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