Pay attention to the following signs. Your liver may be telling you something


The liver is one of the most important organs in our body, but when something is wrong usually you do not feel any pain and find out when the problem become serious, or even a life-threatening situation.

You should be aware of the signals your body sends to you and pay attention to them. Interestingly enough, one of such warning signs may become apparent while you are working in the garden. So, what sign we are talking about?

Sunburn or sensitive skin

Although the weather is fluctuating these days a lot, you should watch for sunburn symptoms and if you feel that the sun bothers you more than last year you should be aware. People who have liver problems often have extra sensitive skin and they get red skin or slight sunburn even after a very short exposure to sunlight. The skin may feel abnormally dry and reddish.

Tanning does not feel like fun anymore? If you did not have problems so far, especially with sunburns, but suddenly you do not feel like sun at all, then this may be a sign that your liver is not working properly.


Photo: Pixabay

Other symptoms that may indicate liver problems

Monitor yourself and try to find out whether you experience other unpleasant symptoms that may indicate liver problem such as abdominal pain, loss of appetite, change in skin or eye colour, headache , fever, bad breath, white tongue or bad indigestion.

If you experience these symptoms or some of them, then something may be wrong with your liver. You may try to “cleanse” liver first using milk thistle for example, but if these symptoms remain you should definitely see a physician.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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