Onion peels as great fertilizer and cure for various diseases


Onion skins are used to colour Easter eggs or are put in a composter. We all know that, but you can use onion peels for other purposes too. Today, we shall tell you how to make a fertilizer or spray against pests from onion peels.

If you throw away onion peels, you are actually throwing away a lot of beneficial substances such as quercetin , phytoncides , thiamine and carotenoids. Okay, but how can you use these substances to care for your garden?

An easy-to-make fertilizer – you only need onion skins and water

Many gardeners have positive experience with onion waste and they do not throw it away. Instead, they store onion peels throughout the winter. First, you need to let them dry and then store them in a textile bag. If you have plenty of them, take a ten-litre bucket, fill it at least halfway with peels and pour in warm water.Warm! Not too hot. The temperature should be around 75 °C. Let it soak for 12 hours and you are done.


Photo: Pixabay

Now, you need to drain it and you can use as a fertilizer for fruit vegetables or perhaps fruit trees. Onion skin will supply a lot of necessary minerals and vitamins. If you are fighting pests, fill an atomizer with the mixture and spray it on leaves (especially on the underside )and aphids and other unwanted visitors will leave your plants alone.

Use peels to protect harvest

It does not matter if you store potatoes, apples, pears, etc. in your cellar. To protect fruits or veggies, sprinkle dry onion skins all over your storage boxes. Doing so will prevent development of many fungal diseases and moulds. However, check stored fruits and tubers regularly to catch any problem at the beginning.Once rotting or other disease has spread, it is difficult to stop it and the quality of your harvest may go down very quickly, and you do not want that.

Preview photo: Radek Štěpán

Source: https://giropark.ru/cs/vygrebnaya-yama/otvar-iz-lukovoi-sheluhi-primenenie-v-ogorode-lukovaya-sheluha-kak.html, https://living.iprima.cz/zahrada/slupky-z-cibule-jako-hnojivo

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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