Onion peel fertilizer
A fertilizer made of onion peel is one of the easiest to make. Simply keep collecting leftovers from cooking and you can make a great fertilizer for your houseplants but you can also protect tomatoes from spider mites or strawberries from grey mould!
Onion peels decoction
You may bury onion peels directly in the ground, but you get much more good stuff out of onion peels if you make a decoction. You need about four handfuls of onion peels and 2 litres of water. Put dried peels in a pot and pour water in. Place the pot on a stove and let it boil for about 20 minutes. Wait until the mixture has cooled down and strain it through a gauze or a strainer and you are done. Water or spray plants with this decoction as needed.
Photo: Pixabay
Onion fertilizer is also great for ornamental flowers and vegetables. Onion decoction sprayed on plants protects them from fungal diseases. However, it is mainly recommended for tomatoes. Watering and spraying protects tomatoes from spider mites. Spray tomatoes several times if you have this problem but you may also spray plants a preventative measure.
How to use onion decoction
If you want to use onion decoction often or if you want to treat flowering plants, you should dilute the decoction with water in 1:10 ratio to make it gentler. The diluted decoction will certainly not harm your plants. You can use it to spray fruit trees during flowering period. It fights various types of mould, including gray mould, especially on strawberries.
You may also use onion peel decoction to strengthen and increase the yield of currants and gooseberries. Spray only if the weather is mild and not during hot weather asspraying during a hot weather may harm your plants.
Preview photo: Pixabay
Source: https://prosvet.cz/nejlepsi-hnojivo-pro-rostliny-vyrobite-sami-staci-slupky-od-cibule-takto-jednoduse-zpracovat-za-par-dni-sve-rostliny-nepoznate/
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