Now is the right time to propagate peonies


Under suitable conditions peonies can grow in one location for many years, up to 20 years. We are all familiar with these beautiful flowers that produce an intoxicating fragrance so, it would be nice if you can propagate them easily, right? Well, if you have a rich bush, you can try. It is actually fairly easy. The ideal time for propagation is the second half and the end of August. You can still try in September but that is the latest.

Healthy bush and flowers

Do not panic if your new plants do not bloom during the following year. This is normal. You need to be patient and take care of the newly planted shrubs. If you decide to propagate again, you need to be careful and you need to give it time as peonies do not tolerate propagating by division well. You should wait for at least several years between divisions. Further, it is not recommended to propagate a plant that is six years or younger.


Photo: Pixabay


Roots of peonies are very fragile, so make sure not to disturb them unnecessarily. If you decide to transplant peonies, dig around the roots. Remove the bush from the loosened soil and gently remove the soil between the roots. Now you can divide it into several parts. If you want to make plenty of cuttings, cut small shoots with two to three buds and with one, two or three healthy roots. Wash under running water and let them dry for several hours. This will make the roots softer and less prone to damage.

Shoots blooming

Once you have selected a suitable spot for your cuttings and planted them, there is not much to do. All you have to do is wait. Most likely they will not flower during the first or second year after planting. When planting make sure that buds are about 4 cm below the soil surface. This will help the cuttings to develop better. It is also recommended to protect newly planted seedlings during winter with mulch (layered dry grass, for example).


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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