Natural fertilizer for tomatoes and peppers to increase your harvest


You can see tomatoes and peppers growing in many gardens and households. The sight of these gentle seedlings give many of us joy and of course you try to create the best possible conditions for growing. But not all conditions are suitable and that is why you should get an effective fertilizer that supports the growth of peppers and tomatoes. Have you heard about the ordinary bay leaf? Sure you did. But now you can prepare a homemade fertilizer for your peppers and tomatoes from bay leaves. Read on and you will find out.

An elixir for tomatoes and peppers

Yes. Bay leaf is literally an elixir for peppers and tomatoes. It is loaded with vitamins from the A and B groups, with ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid and carotene. It is also full of micronutrients which are especially important for growth. But the list goes on. It also contains manganese, potassium and iodine. So, how do these individual substances benefit plants? Nicotinic acid supports development of the root system. Vitamin B helps the plant to utilize carbohydrates, but all the above substances are very important. Carotene is an antioxidant while vitamins strengthen the entire plant. Tannins in the bay leaf prevent formation of fungi and mould.


Photo: Pixabay

How to make powder fertilizer from bay leaves

Making a fertilizer from bay leaves is easy. First, you need to grind dried bay leaves. Use a fine grinder to make a fine powder. Add the powder to soil and mix it. Use this nutritious fertilizer every month to make seedlings healthy and strong. Strong seedlings will guarantee a rich harvest.


Photo: Pixabay

How to make liquid fertilizer made from bay leaves

Put four bay leaves in one litre of warm water – around 70 °Celsius and let them soak for about 4 hours and you are done. Water no more than once a month.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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