Most popular plants that you can grow in shade
Just because you have a shady spot in your garden it does not mean that you cannot grow anything there. There are many plants that prefer a shady spot so you do not need to “abandon” it. The good news is that plants that like shade do not look boring and you can add great decorations to it and create a nice a place to relax.
Pachysandra terminalis
You may know this plant as the green sheen and we think that it is the most beautiful plant that grows in a shade. It can reach a height of up to 30 cm and it is typical for its ovate evergreen leaves. When spring comes, it blooms with small white flowers and grows quite quickly. It forms a dense green carpet that looks lovely. Make sure to provide a slightly moist soil. Green sheen is frost-resistant down to -25 °C.
Photo: Pixabay
Ajuga reptans
Also known as the bugleweed grows to a height of 20 cm. It is beautiful all year round because of its small green, egg-shaped leaves. In spring and summer (from May to August) it produces beautiful purple flowers on top shoots. It is ideal for gardeners who want flowers in shady areas. It is also a fully frost-resistant plant.
Photo: Pixabay
Asarum europaeum
Also known as the European wild ginger creates a nice, glossy ovate leaves. At the turn of March and April it produces bell-shaped flowers which are usually crimson purple. Unfortunately, flowers are mostly hidden under leaves, so it is not a very decorative plant. It grows rather slowly and needs slightly moist soil. It is also a fully frost-resistant plant.
Photo: Pixabay
Vinca minor
If you want flowers to decorate a shady spot, get the popular periwinkle. It reaches a height of 20 cm. Its leaves are thick, shiny and evergreen and at the turn of March and April the plant produces large tubular flowers. These are most often blue-violet, but depending on the variety, they may also be white or pink. This plant deals very well with droughts and even lack of care, and as an additional bonus, it is also frost resistant.
Photo: Pixabay
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Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.