Many uses of rhododendron


Rhododendron is a well-known plant and popular in many households, mainly due to its attractive appearance and undemanding nature. It also has healing properties. Rhododendron is able to relive cold and flu symptoms. The Latin name is Plectranthus argentatus and you can use it externally and internally. This plant can help you with a wide range of health problems. You just need to know how to use it correctly. The best way is to grow it at home and have leaves available all year round.

Medicinal effects of rhododendron

Rhododendron is used as an additional aid to help with various colds and respiratory tract infections. If you consume rhododendron regularly you will improve your immune system . It is also used by people who suffer from headaches, and you will have a headache if you suffer from a cold or flu, but also if you suffer from stomach and intestinal problems. Further, rhododendron lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol and therefore prevents cardiovascular diseases. It also offers diuretic effects, so people with kidney stones or gallstones use it too. It seems like the lists goes on and on. Rhododendron supports high-quality sleep, and it is use externally to treat eczema and psoriasis, insect bites and burns.


Photo: Pixabay

Respiratory pathways

People suffering from asthma should grow rhododendron because being around rhododendron can improve breathing conditions and thanks to its particular smell, it also repels flies and mosquitoes.

Rhododendron to fight cold

Put few leaves in a pot with boiling water and inhale the aroma. A tea made from leaves should also help. Making rhododendron tea is simple. Put one leaf of rhododendron in a cup and pour hot water in. The temperature should be around 80 °C. Let it sit for 5 minutes. If cold symptoms bother you at night, try spreading few leaves around your pillow.

Skin problems

You need to make a strong infusion: Put several leaves in a container and pour hot water in. The temperature should be around 80 °C. Let I cool and strain it and rub the infusion on affected areas.

Rhododendron syrup

Because rhododendron grows well, you should be able to gather enough leaves to make a medicinal syrup. Collect about 30 leaves and put them in a large pot. Add one lemon or orange cut into slices. Pour hot water in. Make sure that everything is submerged and covered with a lid. Let it sit for 24 hours. When done, drain through a fine cloth. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible. Add 1 kg of sugar and cook until thick enough. Fill canning glasses, close them and turn them upside down. When they cool down, store in a cool and dark place. The syrup will thicken even more after cooling.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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