Many uses of aluminium foil

Aluminium foil

The use of aluminium foil in food processing has literally become universal all over the world, especially in the kitchen, but many people express their concerns whether aluminium foil can cause harm, especially with salty foods because salt supports aluminium release, which then can pass into the food we consume. Aluminium is indeed one of the heavy metals that put unnecessary burden on our body. A body of a healthy person can eliminate heavy metals, but for example people with liver or kidney problems may not do so well. Aluminium accumulates in the body and may further exacerbate health problems. However, here are a few used that do not pose such health hazards.

Incubator for cuttings and seedlings

Aluminium foil can help cuttings to take root quicker. It reflects sunlight and supports growth of certain types of seedlings. The light reflection process provides a sufficient temperature. Just line the inside of a small box with aluminium foil and make sure that the foil protrudes 5 cm beyond the edge. Secure it with tape, punch few holes at the bottom of the box to drain excess water and that is it.

Aluminium foil

Photo: Pixabay

Scare birds away

If you want to protect your plants from bird raids (they enjoy sea buckthorn berries, for example), tie strips of aluminium foil to tree branches. The constant movement and wiggling will scare the birds away. Birds do not like shiny things and aluminium foil is perfect for this purpose. Some gardeners even draw “scarry” eyes on the foil to imitate predators… We are not sure but this should increase the effect.

Snails and slugs

Use aluminium foil to protect your vegetables from voracious slugs. How? Cover the soil around plants with aluminium foil and weigh it down with little stones. Some gardeners make aluminium strips and mix it with mulch and then spread it around plants.

Doe and deer

Unfortunately, even these beautiful animals can cause harm in your garden. Sufficient fencing usually works well, but may not always be a doable option. You may protect young trees by wrapping aluminium foil around them and that should do the trick. Take a wide strip of aluminium foil and wrap it around the trunk. Cover at least 50 cm above the ground .

Make a quick container of funnel

Sometimes you need a funnel or a little container but you simply do not have one. Try using aluminium foil to make it as aluminium foil is very malleable and you can form it into any shape you want. This works very well for disposable containers. If you deal with poisons or other aggressive substances, just throw the container or funnel away when you done.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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