Make a great herb syrup to fight cold and other illness


You do not need to run to the pharmacy to get a remedy every time you do not feel good. Many times you can use homemade herb remedies and sometimes you can grow herbs in your house in a regular pot. Today, we would like to tell you about a great houseplant called Indian borage, (Plectranthus amboinicus) but you may also know it as a Mexican mint.

This plant comes from the Caribbean but it is also grown in East Asia where people use it often for cooking or as a spice with medicinal benefits.

Traditional use of this herb

In Cuba, for example, people use it as a traditional medicine and call it yerberos. They usually make tea out of it, which is used to treat digestive and respiratory problems including arthritis. It is also rather popular in Indonesia, where they call it daun kambing.

And what people in Europe use this plant for? Well, they collect leaves and dry them. They are then added to a traditional soup to promote production of breast milk in nursing women. Going back to India syrup made out of Indian borage and mixed with sugaris a popular remedy for coughs and sore throat.


Photo: Pixabay

A good repellent or treatment of small wounds

Some people in Asia rub crushed leaves of Indian borage into the skin and use it as an effective insect repellent because crushed leaves smell like a very strong mixture of oregano and sage. An interesting fact is that they can also neutralize capsaicin. Chew few leaves and the heat from the chilli peppers should go away.

How to prepare syrup out of Indian borage

Indian borage is best used against colds, allergies and similar ailments. And how can you prepare syrup from Indian borage? Put leaves into a glass, make layers and sprinkle sugar between each layer . You may also add a wedge of lemon or orange. Pour water in and let it sit for a few weeks, strain and use a spoonful three times a day.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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