Lesser-known garlic storage methods


Garlic harvest is in full swing or completely finished. While it is important to harvest garlic correctly it is also important to store it correctly! There are several ways to store garlic properly but there are few bad ones too… probably the worst one is freezing. Freezing temperature deprives garlic of the good stuff. We shall give you four interesting ways that you can try to store garlic. These are not complicated and offer long shelf life.

Salt is a great preservative

The first garlic storage method is to immerse it in salt. Take any regular glass and cover the bottom with a thick layer of salt. Place unpeeled garlic bulbs on top of the salt layer and fill the rest of the glass with salt – all the way up.Salt protects garlic from mould and from various bacteria.


Photo: Pixabay

Garlic and wood shavings

Using wood shavings is an excellent method to store garlic for the winter. Similarly, as salt. Do exactly what you did for the previous method. Wood shavings are great at absorbing moisture. Make sure to provide sufficient ventilation and that garlic bulbs are very dry before you put them in the jar or container.

Onion skins

A rather interesting method. Place garlic in non-synthetic fabric bags along with onion skins. Onion skin prevent garlic from spoilage.


Photo: Radek Štěpán

Garlic and flour

Flour is another material that absorbs moisture very well. To achieve the desired effect, you need to sprinkle garlic very well. You need to create at least 2 cm thick layer of flour around garlic.

Source: https://mirhitrostey.com/

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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