Lavender and lavandin: There is a difference between them


Sometimes, different plants then those you wanted may be growing in your garden and you may not even know it, until it is too late. One of such plants is lavender, which is rather popular lately, but many vendors keep offering a lesser-known hybrid called lavandin. At first glance you will not recognize the difference, but once it blooms, you may realize that you bought something you did not want – or that you have been taken for a ride…

Just to be clear. When we talk about lavender, we mean two types: a true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and broadleaved lavender (Lavandula latifolia). This is the plant that will give your garden the true scent of the Mediterranean and is also used for many of its healing effects – to improve your sleep, reduce migraines or help to fight intestinal colic.,

Lavandin will please you with it its appearance, but has none of the healing effects

There is also one lesser known cousin of these two species and it is a cross between both them. It is known as Lavandula hybrida or Lavandula intermedia, common names includes lavandin or Dutch lavender. It grows faster, has larger flowers and a higher content of essential oils. While real lavender contains only about 1% essential oils, lavender hybrids can contain up to three times more. In aromatherapy, this “lavender” is called lavandin.

However in this case, quantity certainly does not equals to quality. The effects of lavender and lavandin are quite different. For example, a pillow filled with lavandin will not give you better dreams and lavandin oil will not heal wounds or regenerate the skin, but as far as cooking is concerned, or if you want to make tea, you may exchange both of them equally.

How to tell the difference between lavender and lavender?

First of all – lavender has only one large inflorescence, while lavandin has five or six on one stem . Lavender hybrid is also more robust, but the flowers are greyish-blue rather than purple and they have a very sharp and spicy aroma – no sweet tones. If you are unsure, ask the vendor for the Latin name or check the package. But to be honest, you will probably like lavandin more as a decorative plant because it is bit more resistant and it grows faster.

Lavender is beautiful to look at …

Youtube channel: Radek Štěpán

Photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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