Jackfruit is an exotic fruit that is not too demanding to grow


Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) grows on a tropical tree, also called jackfruit. This fruit is not very popular in Europe and it is a pity. Supermarkets sell more popular exotic plants but you probably will not find any jackfruit. Fortunately, it is not a big deal to grow jackfruit at home, but being an exotic plant, you need to create special conditions for it. Plus keep in mind that jackfruit is a rather big tree.

Breadfruit or jackfruit?

Jackfruit and breadfruit are very similar. The trees are big and can reach a height of up to 30 meters. They both belong to the mulberry family. An interesting fact is that jackfruit grows directly on the trunk. Fruits are oval, green to yellow with a rough surface. The weight of one fruit can be 10 kg! Inside you will find a large number of elongated black seeds, which are covered in a pericarp. Both the flesh and seeds are edible. The pulp has a sweet and refreshing taste. You may use the seeds in a similar way as you would edible sweet chestnuts. The tree produces fruit from June to December.


Photo: Pixabay


You can sow seeds all year round and you may buy them on the Internet only. Even the largest gardening centres may not carry them. Soak the seeds in lukewarm water for two to four hours before sowing and then plant the seeds in a large pot. Coconut fibber is often used as a perfect substrate for jackfruit and you should be able to buy it at any flower shop.

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Jackfruit likes partial shade but it also needs sunlight. So take the plant outside during summer, but choose a spot protected from strong winds and sharp midday sun. Soil temperature is important for proper germination – it should be around 25 °C. Also make sure that the substrate is constantly moist (you may cover the pot with a glass lid or plastic bag but you need to make few holes to allow proper breathing and air circulation.


Water regularly from spring to autumn but do not pour water directly, rather sprinkle it around. Use water that has been sitting around for a while and has acquired room temperature. Take the plant inside for the winter and significantly reduce watering.


During the first years, when the plant grows rather rapidly, you need to transplant it every year. When it is strong enough you can transplant as needed. Because it grows rather quickly, you need to “tame” it by regular pruning. After two years, you may plant the tree outside at a location that is protected from strong winds and direct sunlight, and as already mentioned, you need to protect the tree from cold temperatures – by wrapping a jute fabric around it for example. After three years, the tree should start bearing fruit and will continue to do so for about eight years.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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