Interesting facts about mushroom soup


Mushrooms are popular and are used in cuisines all over the world to give foods the final touch. The use and preferences vary widely throughout the world as each nation has its own tradition. In Europe for example, we love to make mushroom soups which are closely connected to various autumn traditions. Mushroom soup offers special taste and can keep you warm in cold weather. These dishes are usually hearty enough to be served as a main course. Some nations even enjoy mushroom soup as part of the Christmas Eve tradition.

Mushrooms are popular

Mushrooms grow in forests and anyone can enjoy them and many people do. Mushrooms have been popular among people for centuries. In the past, people were much more dependent on nature more knowledgeable about the fruits the forest offered. Even today, there are many enthusiasts who like to go mushroom hunting – and many of them do not even eat mushrooms! Mushrooms are nutritious too and may even be served as a substitute for meat. Our ancestors prepared mushrooms in many different ways: they ate them fresh, dried, pickled, seasoned or stored them in fat.


Photo: Pixabay

Mushroom processing

As mentioned earlier, mushrooms may be processed in many ways and there are many folk recipes that use various types of mushrooms. One of the most popular way to process mushrooms is to make an mushroom soup. Every housewife has her own special recipes. However, the vast majority of mushroom soups share the same base, which includes potatoes, carrots, and marjoram. People in the past did not know about the delicious creamy mushroom soups that we make today but they used mushrooms in many dishes, for example as a meat stuffing, mushroom butter, stuffed mushrooms and many more.

Mushroom spices

Only dry mushrooms were used to prepare mushroom soups. Dry mushrooms were also used to make mushroom seasoning. Dried mushrooms were ground and used as a spice. Very simple. Thanks to mushrooms seasoning, any soup could become a mushroom soup, but mushroom seasoning was widely used to add flavour to other dishes as well.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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