How to use sea-buckthorn to improve your health


Sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is full of antioxidants and vitamin C and A. People usually make healthy syrups from sea-buckthorn even though collecting berries may be a bit difficult, as the tree is full of thorny branches. The shape of the leaves resembles rosemary leaves, but they are silvery green. Berries usually ripen by mid-September, but you should wait couple more months before harvesting and start doing so before the first frosts hit.


You can simply freeze sea-buckthorn berries in your freezer. Wash them first of course, and let them dry on a paper towel for example. When dry, put them in a bag and freeze them. If you need to use berries take them out from the freezer wait a bit and once they are thawed, you may prepare your smoothie out of them for example.
Sea-buckthorn will come handy especially in winter when we should consume more vitamin C. Another option is to make juice . Using a juicer or stick blender is probably the easiest way to make a good juice, but you need to strain the mixture using a fine cloth or strainer. Do not drink the juice directly, as it may damage tooth enamel. Dilute it with water before consumption. Any juice leftovers may be frozen again and used later.


Photo: Pixabay

Sea-buckthorn tea

Sea-buckthorn tea has long been used to promote weight loss and to treat various health problems. Tea is made from dried sea buckthorn berries, and people usually drink it to replenish antioxidants, but also to regulate cholesterol levels. If you want dry sea-buckthorn berries you may do it naturally and easily in the open air. To prepare one tea, you will need 2 spoons of dried berries. Simply put dried berries in a mug and and pour hot water over them. You can also add dried sea-buckthorn leaves and bring to a boil. When done, let it sit covered for another 10 minutes. Strain and drink. You can also add honey and lemon to improve the taste.

Sea-buckthorn muffins

Sea-buckthorn berries, either dry or fresh, are excellent in muffins. Here is the recipe. Take a regular bowl and mix 250 g of plain flour, 5 g of baking powder, 125 g of granulated sugar and add a pinch of salt. Take another bowl and mix 1 egg, 63 ml of melted butter, 125 ml of milk. Mix it well. Now, mix the contents of both bowls together to make a smooth dough. Finally, add 125 g of sea buckthorn berries. Fill muffin baking pans with the batter (about 12 muffins) and bake at 180 °C for about 15 minutes.

Sea-buckthorn jam

To make a sea-buckthorn jam you need juice from berries and you need about 1 litre. Add 1.5 kg of icing sugar and cook until you reach the desired thickness.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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