How to remove stubborn and greasy stains using an old trick our grandmothers knew about
Even if you are extra careful you will stain your clothes from time to time. We all know that. Unfortunately, regular washing procedure may not remove tough stains. If that is your situation, you may want to learn about handy tricks that will help you to keep your clothes clean.
Wine vinegar to the rescue. Do not worry about the smell. Even though it may seem strange, vinegar neutralizes unwanted odours during washing. Further, any pungent vinegar smell will disappear after washing or drying.
How to deal with a stubborn stain
If the stain is really stubborn and strongly” holds” onto the fabric, you need to place your clothes in a container with hot water. Add half a glass of vinegar to it and let it soak overnight. After that wash as usual. You may also try pouring vinegar directly on the stain and then follow all the above steps.
Photo: Pixabay
Vinegar is a great for wool washing
Wool and some other fabrics generate static electricity during washing but if you soak clothes in water for half an hour with several tablespoons of vinegar, you will reduce static electricity significantly.
How to get rid of pet hair
We all know that those of us who have pets keep finding small hair everywhere. This seems unavoidable even if you try really hard. After washing and drying you may still find tiny hairs on the fabric. You may avoid this if you use vinegar during washing.
Vinegar also prevents formation of deposits and scale inside your washing machine so, if you use vinegar during washing, you may not need to clean your “washing machine” with special chemicals so often. Ordinary wine vinegar also works as fabric softener and is friendly to the environment. Further, vinegar does not contain chemical elements that may negatively affect human body.
Preview photo: Pixabay
Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.