How to prune tomatoes properly


Are you looking forward to this year’s tomato harvest? Well, it is not that far, because in certain regions tomatoes are turning red already. When growing tomatoes, or any crop for that matter, it is very important to make sure that the plants are healthy and strong. You should always clip suckers of, but very few gardeners pay attention to the shoots or to lower leaves that grow from the lower part of the plant. These can weaken the plant and are the potential source of moulds.

Focus on the lower part of the plant

You should focus on the lower part of the plant. The lower shoots can weaken the plant and you should definitely remove them. It is very easy and you can clip them off using your fingers. You don’t even need scissors. A potential source of fungus or mould includes the lower leaves, especially those that touch the ground.


Photo: Radek Štěpán

The bed must be permeable

Yes, this is true and you need to make sure that the bed, or soil where you grow your tomatoes can breathe. This will eliminate many sources of infection. You should also remove large secondary shoots, and if you do, the plant has basically no option but to focus all energy to the development of primary shoots and that is what you want as the vast majority of nutrients and energy will go to the development of fruit.


Photo: Radek Štěpán

Keep it simple. That is the way to go

If the lower part of the plant is bare, it will develop fruit faster. This way you should be able to harvest up to 50 fruits from one plant!


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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