How to handle compost properly


Do you want your compost to be full of nutrients and provide the most for your plants? Of course you do. Follow simple rules and your will have a great compost. However, if you throw everything you can get your hands on into the composter and without any system, you will not achieve the best quality. Quite the opposite.

Composting has to be done in line with pretty strict rules and if you do not follow them your compost will lose its potential. Here are the principles that have been proven and followed by many gardeners.

What you should not put in your composter

Do not put fish and meat waste in the composter, because this type of waste attracts rodents. Diseased plants may also create problems. If you are not sure put diseased plants in the waste container. However, faded and wilted plants, trimmed and chopped tree branches, dried grass clippings, fruit and vegetable scraps are okay. Occasionally, you can add coffee grounds as a welcome treat for earthworms.

Remember, the smaller the pieces of waste you put in your composter, the quicker microorganisms will break it down. Correct layering is also important and here are few rules to follow.


Photo: Pixabay

Proper layering

Compost should always be in contact with soil and a piece of dense mesh should always be used as a protection against rodents. The best place is in a partial shade, for example under a small tree crown. At the beginning, you may add an accelerator to your compost and if you want to speed up the decomposition process later, add few shovels of older, matured compost.

Do not forget that proper moisture is very important. You need to water your compost or add dry material if is too wet. With proper moisture compost will mature quickly and without unpleasant odours. It should be ready after few months and when it is, you can start using this pack of nutrients immediately. However, a well-matured compost needs about 12 months to be done completely.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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