How to get your orchard or garden ready for the winter

Autumn is in full swing and winter is approaching fast. It may not look like it outside, but the cold and freezing temperatures may hit any day now and that is why you need to prepare everything in advance. Many of us usually focus on plants but forget trees. You should at least treat trees with the appropriate chemical spray to protect them and keep them strong throughout the winter.
We shall take a look at these issues in the following lines.

Protection against moss and mould

You should definitely treat cherries, plums, pears and other fruit trees. Do not forget currant or gooseberry bushes either. The most important thing is to choose the right day for spraying. Watch the temperature outside carefully. The thermometer should not drop below 3 degrees Celsius.


Photo: Pixabay

Ferrous sulphate and urea

The first compound is great against various mosses, diseases and also lichens. Urea is very effective against pests and the larvae.

An easy chemical spray

Here are few tips how to prepare a simple chemical spray. It is not complicated. Get a container and pour about 10 litres of urea to 10 litres of warm water. Then get another container and pour 10 g of citric acid and 100 g of ferrous sulphate to 10 litres of water. If the tree is affected a lot by moss and lichen, increase the concentration of iron sulphate. You need to filter both solutions through a fabric and mix them together.

Spray trees and bushes but do not forget to spray the surrounding soil too. Set the spray gun to a strong stream and make sure the bark absorbs all the liquid.


Preview photo: Radek Štěpán

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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