How to get rid of common nettles without chemicals


Nettles are a very tough and it usually takes a lot of energy to get rid of them completely, but you should not give up. If you persevere, you will be celebrating a success eventually.

The most important thing is to deal with nettles before they spread all over your garden. The earlier you start, the better and the less work you will have to put in. Your culprit is probably the stinging nettle(Urtica dioica) or (Urtica urens) also known as the annual nettle.

What is the difference between those two?

Before you start getting rid of nettles, you should know something about them. If you see a single annual nettle growing on your flower bed, do not panic. Simply remove it. . This should be enough and it will not appear again. However, stinging nettle is more resistant and you need to pay attention


Photo: Pixabay

Medicinal use

Before you start eliminating all nettles try considering using them for medical purposes. Nettles contain a lot of valuable substances, such as vitamin A, B, C, E and many minerals (mainly iron, calcium and potassium). It is a great idea to have your own storage of nutrients and some “home” pharmacy.

Getting rid of nettles once for all

As soon as you see nettles, the best thing is to dig them out but you must dig really deep and around. Nettles spread very quickly by rhizomes, and you should eliminate as many nettles as possible.

If you want to make sure that your work has not been down in vain, cover the spot with a black foil and leave it there for several weeks. Yes, few weeks but even if you do that you probably will not be hundred percent successful. You can also sprinkle salt around or use boiling water, but the effectiveness of these methods is questionable.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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