How to fight peach leaf curl

Peach leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) is a relatively common disease that affects nectarines, peaches, apricots or almonds. Diagnosing is not difficult as this disease manifests itself by leaf curling and twisting. Once the tree gets affected the number of produced fruit decreases. The disease usually appears in early spring, but most likely it has already started in the previous year. It “sleeps” on dormant trees and spreads by rain, which literally carries it all over the tree. This being said, treatment needs to be applied only after all leaves have fallen and that is at the end of autumn.

Early action is preferred

Yes, before leaf buds develop, you need to spray them with calcium sulphate. This substance creates a tiny cover that protects buds from rain and thus eliminates the spread of disease. The smell is rather unpleasant because it smells like rancid eggs. If leaf buds are developed (at the end of winter), you can spray the tree with copper oxychloride, which kills fungal spores. Watch the weather forecast before spraying. It must not be windy and rainy. The bad news is that if the tips of leaves have already started appearing, it is too late to do anything. So, if you notice peach leaf curl this year, you have to take action at the end of winter.


Photo: Pixabay

How to increase chance of success

If you want to make sure that you are successful, you should combine several methods at the same time. Peach leaf curl is an insidious disease that you may be fighting for several years but since it reduces your harvest it is important to take action. The health status of your tree can improve significantly from year to year. When leaves fall from the infested tree, remove them immediately. Do not put them in the compost, but dispose of them. A good idea is to tear off all damaged leaves you see and dispose of them (burn them for example).

Healthy tree is stronger

Obviously, a healthy tree can fight much more efficiently so, you need to take care of the soil. Enrich soil around the tree with nutrients by using different fertilizers or compost. A healthy tree is more resistant to various diseases. An infected but well-nourished tree will recover faster and will give you a bigger harvest.


Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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