How to cut smoked meat


Your smokehouse is fully loaded with meat and sausages and you are checking the temperature and cannot wait for the result. A perfect scenario that captures the heart of many men or women. A great piece of smoked meat is a pork belly. It offers excellent taste and if done correctly it remains juicy. This is due to a larger amount of fat. There are many options how to smoke pork belly and if you want to make it right choose pieces that are layered with lean meat.

Marinating and smoking

There are two basic ways to marinate meat. The first and “classic” method is dry seasoning. Simply rub the entire piece thoroughly with garlic and salt and let it rest for two days. After that the meat may go directly to a smokehouse. The other method is to put meat in a marinade where it stays for two to three weeks. The marinade usually consists of salt and garlic. Some people put marinated meat in a vacuum bag for about 3 weeks. This way the meat stays very juicy. Smoking temperature ranges from 65 to 75 °C and the time should range from 6 to 7 hours.


Photo: Radek Štěpán

Meat should cool down

Cutting or slicing smoked belly while still hot is not recommended, but if you do not mind a relatively large pieces of meat and a lumpy consistency then go ahead. But more common approach is to let the meat cool down and then cut it. Always use a sharp knife. Cutting will be easier and the pieces will look much nicer.

How to cut smoked belly

Well, you can do as you wish of course, but there is a skin and you have two options. Cut the skin off the meat right away, which may be kind of hard sometimes, or cut the meat across with the skin. If you enjoy the skin, the second method is for you. Try to make very thin slices that have more or less the same amount of fat and leaner meat. More meat is usually in the front part of the belly, but you also get some ribs and cartilage.

Source:, vlastní zkušenosti autora

Preview photo: Radek Štěpán

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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