How to care for raspberries properly. Fertilize and prune to increase yield


Raspberries (Rubus idaeus) are very popular and you can see raspberry shrubs in many gardens. Having your own raspberries, especially when the harvest is good, is a matter of pride for many.

Proper pruning is very important for bush shaping but there is not a single method or template you can follow. It very much depends on the “situation” in your garden. However, one rule of thumb applies to all raspberries – all excess shoots must be removed.

Why is pruning so important?

Well, there are many factors at play. Raspberry bushes need to be strong and vital during cold periods to keep all shoots alive and if you fail to remove those which are extra, the bush might not have enough strength to make it through the winter. Another benefit you get from pruning is better pest resistance.


Photo: Pixabay

Regular pruning

Regular cut means that you remove about 70% of all shoots before the cold season arrives. Some gardeners even cut raspberry bushes down to the ground, but this largely depends on the variety you have. If the growth of your raspberry bushes is too slow, shorten shoots by only 50-70%.

Get rid of leaves. No mercy

There is one more important thing you should know. Once your raspberry bushes drop all leaves in November, remove them and destroy them. Pathogenic microorganisms may still be living on them and they may hibernate and survive until the next spring, wake up again and start causing problems. No one wants that.

Fertilizing in autumn

Do not forget about proper nutrition. Urea, for example, is an excellent choice. You will need 50 g of urea for 1 hectare. Do you have smaller area to fertilize? Well, dilute 50g in 10 l of water and water raspberries with it.

Preview photo: Pixabay


Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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