How can you tell that your dog is suffering from food allergies?

Unfortunately, there are many civilization diseases but not only humans are affected. Animals often deal with the same problem. Dogs, in particular, suffer from civilization diseases quite often. It has been reported that about 30% of dogs suffer from allergies and the most common is a food allergy. The triggers and causes vary but the most common is an inappropriate diet. How can you recognize a food allergy and how to deal with it? We shall tell you in the following lines.

The signs are clear

The most common symptoms:

  • constant scratching,
  • fur biting,
  • red skin around eyes,
  • unhealthy dog odour,
  • a rash between toes or around the snout,
  • ear infections .

If you notice any of these signs you should take an action. Go to the vet and he will most likely ask you what feed you use.


Photo: Pixabay

Dogs tend to be allergic to certain ingredients in feed

Many dog owners tend to change the feed manufacture hoping that this may take care of the problem. But that will not help.It is a myth that changing the manufacture will help. You need to focus on the ingredients in the feed. Dogs are usually allergic to:

  • soy,
  • cereals,
  • chemical flavourings
  • other components.

A veterinarian will perform tests and determine the problematic ingredient and you can change the diet based on this information.

Read food packaging

That’s right. Labels on feed say what the feedis made of. Dog nutrition expert Jiří Švihálek says: “It is crucial that you read the composition label – especially if the feed is “suspiciously“ cheap. These feeds are usually “enriched” with preservatives, chemicals and are low in protein. Each bag must have the proper label. Do not buy feed with grain, soy, gluten (especially wheat). Buy feed that contains enough natural vitamins, minerals and a fiber for healthy digestion. Probiotics (lactobacilli) are very important. They can really help your dog with allergies. You can also add probiotics to your dog’s feed – try yogurt for dogs. Avoid grain, but digestible cereals (a source of carbohydrates and energy), such as rice flakes are okay” 

If you have a sensitive god, try hypoallergenic cosmetic products as these do not irritate dogs and cause no problems.

Source:, krmimkvalitně.cz,

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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