Homemade prunes


Prunes are very popular and healthy and you can easily make them at home. Use only plums that are undamaged and show no signs of any diseases (rot, mould, bruises, etc.). If you use bad quality fruit do not expect high-quality prunes and since drying plums is a time-consuming activity you need to be ready. Do not cut any corners.

Homemade prunes

Drying plums is not difficult, only time consuming. Remove all leaves and stems and rinse plums with boiling water. You may also blanch them in hot (not boiling) water for a few minutes. This will soften the fruit and remove the wax coating. Wax prevents water evaporation and could prolong the drying time. When done, dry plums using a sieve or absorbent cloth. Now, you need to remove the stones.

Photo: Pixabay

Plum drying

Spread destoned plums on a baking pan lined with a baking sheet and place in the oven. Set the temperature to 50 to 60 °C. Do not go higher than 70 °C. Lower temperature will cause the water to evaporate, but will not burn or crack the fruit. This process needs to be gentle to make sure that plums do not lose valuable nutrients. You want to preserve as much nutrients as possible. The first drying phase takes about 4 hours and the temperature should not exceed 50°C. When done, let the plums cool. Now the second drying phase. This is done at a temperature ranging from 60 to 65 °C and it takes about two to three hours.

Storing plums

Well-dried plums are shrunk but not completely dry. They retain some softness and should be still pliable, not hard. Put prunes in an airtight container and store in a dark, dry and cool place. You may also freeze them. Enjoy prunes alone or you may add them to a variety of dishes. Prunes are great when mixed with other dried fruits but work very well in sweet pastries, cakes or even with roast meat!

Source: https://muratordom.pl/ogrod/rosliny/suszone-sliwki-jak-ususzyc-sliwki-domowym-sposobem-aa-D1s1-Vtyt-R2Ck.html

Preview photo: Pixabay

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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