Homemade growth stimulators.

Do you want to make sure that your plants take root quickly? Sure, you do and to do that you need the right growth stimulator. No need to run to the store and buy commercially produced chemicals. Make your own instead.

Not surprisingly, things that are good for humans are sometimes good for plants too. Take yeast, aloe juice or honey for example.

Honey to accelerate root growth

A homemade honey from a trusted beekeeper. If you have that then you are in luck. Dissolve one teaspoon of honey in an approximately one litre of water and soak the stem or cutting in it. Immerse about a third of the stem in it and wait 12 hours, remove it from the water and put it in another the container with soil where it will develop roots.


Photo: Pixabay

Yeast as a great source of nutrients

Yeast is loaded with nutrients. Take a half of teaspoon of dried yeas (or an adequate amount of fresh yeast) and dissolve it in one litre of lukewarm water. Submerge the plant (works well with roses) about halfway and let it there for 24 hours.Then rinse the stem and transfer it to a regular container.

Aloe juice is not for burns only

Aloe vera is a great remedy that everyone should have at home and that includes passionate gardeners. 10 drops of fresh aloe juice is enough to stimulate root growth and italso prevents rotting.About a week after your applied the first dose, apply another 10 drops and leave the plant alone. You should see healthy roots very soon.

Now, you just wait until the cuttings get strong enough and transplant them to their new location. They should grow quickly.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Source: https://prima-receptar.cz/vhodnymi-stimulatory-podporite-zakorenovani-a-rust-rostlin/, https://www.nkz.cz/praxe/uzitkova-zahrada/diy-rychly-spolehlivy-stimulator-rustu-nase-krasna-zahrada

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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