Homemade and environment-friendly de-icing agent

Winter is beautiful, especially in the mountains, but it also creates many problems. One of the most serious problems is probably ice on roads, paths or sidewalks. Salt is the main chemical that we use to de-ice roads and sidewalks to make them safe, but this year try something different.

There are many plants that do not like high salinity, and you should not use salt near roads and sidewalks where these plants grow. This includes, for example, cherry, gooseberry, red currant, ornamental conifers, peach, beans, peas or potatoes. So, what should you use near your garden for example?

De-ice sidewalks naturally

Salt is not the only chemical that you may use to de-ice your sidewalks. You can also use alcohol. Here is how. Take approximately 200 ml of alcohol and about ten drops of detergent and mix everything in four litters of water. This is a gentle, homemade de-icing solution and you may use it immediately . Apply to sidewalks, paving, etc. You will see the action within few minutes.


Photo: Pixabay

Coffee grounds

If you use a coffee maker frequently you make a plenty of coffee sediment. Sprinkle it on sidewalks. If it gets on your lawn or flower beds, when the snow or ice melts, it does not matter at all. Coffee sediment contains a whole range of nutrients, such as manganese and potassium, which plays an important role in water transport or magnesium, which is necessary for photosynthesis to take place, and finally, vitamins B2 (Riboflavin), vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and vitamin B3 (Niacin).

Ash instead of coffee grounds

If do not drink coffee do not worry. That is if you have a fireplace or wood burning stove. Wood ash is another option. Just remember that ash from hardwood (poplar, beech or oak) has a relatively high pH value of 12-13. Softwood has only around 10.

Preview photo: Pixabay

Source: https://www.nazeleno.cz/cim-posypat-chodnik-a-neublizit-psum-prirode-a-botam-prochazejicich-lidi/

Radek Štěpán

Gardening is my hobby, I have a lot of experience and I am happy to share it.


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